Thursday, September 25, 2008

Evangelism in Spanish

I was just beginning to learn Spanish when this was recorded on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008.

The first conversation was about trying to be good to get to heaven. In between I was talking with brother Herman Lee.

After that, I met a man in his sixties who spoke Spanish. I was just beginning to learn then and struggled with some things as it will be plain to see in the recording. :) There was a woman with him who helped me out. She was a blessed surprise.


Moon said...

You said the Efesios 2:8-9 verses really well! except for the last "ustedes", and that man was so nice and what he said to you in spanish, that he was happy to see a young man like you out on the streets "knocking the doors" and getting other to know the word of awesome the Lord provided a translator!
Some corrections:
- Free in spanish when pertaining to worth, is Gratis, not libre.
- And the romans 3 verse which we need to work on.

Penn Tomassetti said...

Hey Rita,
Thanks for listening. I was really blessed by that man, because he seemed to be a fellow Christian. Even though I couldn't understand him, I was happy to meet him.

Thanks also for the corrections! I can't wait to learn the right way to say Romans 3:10 :)