Saturday, May 23, 2009

Listening Practice in Both Spanish and English

Listen to this sermon in both languages for an excellent resource to practice listening.

Spanish Podcasts, Hindi, Chinese and other tongues

As my search for free language learning resources continues, I've found a number of helpful podcasts.

Here is a list of podcasts in Spanish that offer free listening on some of their programs, while the course materials are usually for sale. These are great for some quick help.

I also found an excellent podcast for learning Hindi here at

I learned from there how to say Hello = Namaste, and how to say Nice to meet you = Ap se mil ke ach cha-laga.

I also found some chinese podcasts that I need to check into some more.

One thing I learned is that Chinese is a lot different from our language, because words and meanings depend heavily on the tone (like a musical note) of the word being pronounced.

Very interesting! :D

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 5

This is lesson 5 in the beginning series of written and audio lessons that I developed for the purpose of learning and helping my friends learn.

Click on the lessons at the top of the sidebar menu to go to the beginning and start there if you missed any other lessons.

Now, here is the written part of Lesson 5: Poder y Estar

Right click here to download this audio.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 4

Use the sidebar links to go directly to each lesson starting from the beginning.

Here is the transcript for Lesson 4: Ser y Saber

Right click to download the Audio for Lesson 4: Ser y Saber.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 3

Scroll down to read and listen to the beginning lessons. These lessons are basic, totally FREE for all and easy to follow. Just read over the transcript, then listen to the audio and practice. Let me know if any of these have helped. Thanks!

Read the lesson here: Lesson 3: Hablar y Decir

Right click here to download this audio: Lesson 3 audio

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 2

Listen along FREE and learn now to speak Spanish. I'm not a professional or a native Spanish speaker, but these lessons are helping me learn, so why not join me for free.

Read the Lesson here: Lesson 2: Vivir y Tener

Right click to download this audio FREE: Lesson 2 Audio

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 1

Use these free audio lessons along with the corresponding written lessons, in order to practice speaking Spanish now!

Lesson 1: Pronouns and the verbs Querer y Ir


Right Click to download Audio Introduction

Lesson 1: Pronouns

Right click to download Lesson 1: Pronouns

Lesson 1: Querer y Ir

Right Click to download Lesson 1: Querer y Ir

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Course It's Free! - Free Basic Spanish Lessons 3

Below is lesson 3: Hablar y Decir (you can print it by clicking the link at the bottom of this post).

As I continue to search for websites that offer real help in learning to speak the Spanish language for free, my satisfaction level decreases. I'm not saying there are no helpful resources on the internet for learning Spanish free of charge, I'm sure there are some great ones. However, I have not found many. I do know of one that comes from Spain by a young married couple at (Notes in Spanish), which offers a pretty good resource, although I have visited only occasionally. (I just redescovered another great site that I had forgotten about, even though a friend had shown it to me before: 123 Teach Me -Free Spanish Lessons!)

So, here I've been making my own lessons... and you know what I have discovered? I learn much faster when I make up my own course!! I didn't know how this would work out when I started it, but it has helped me a great deal in the last week and a half. So here is my third lesson. Free for all!

(And note: My lessons probably contain a lot of mistakes I don't know about. I would appreciate being informed if any are discovered. And all my blogs and writing always center around God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and His Word the Bible, so my lessons contain this naturally as well). Enjoy!

Lección 3: hablar y decir

Lesson 3: to speak and to say

1. Conjugating hablar: to speak

(yo) hablo = I speak, (tú) hablas = you speak, (él/ella/usted) habla = (he/she/you formal) speaks, (nosotros/-as) hablamos = we speak, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) hablan = they speak and you all (ustedes) speak.

Por ejemplo: Hablo inglés. I speak English. Hablas muy bien. You speak very well. Hablan de muchas cosas allí. They speak of many things there. Hablamos español también. We speak Spanish too. Hablas demasiado rápido. You speak too fast. Hablo despacio. I speak slowly. Juan habla despacio, pero María habla muy rápido. John speaks slowly, but Maria speaks very fast. Hablan demasiado. They speak too much. ¿Ustedes hablan inglés? Do you (plural) speak English? Queremos hablar con ustedes. We want to speak with you (plural).

2. Conjugar decir: to say or to tell

(yo) digo = I say, (tú) dices = you say, (él/ella/usted) dice = (he/she/you formal) say, (nosotros/-as) decimos = we say, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) dicen = they say and you all (ustedes) say.

Por ejemplo: Digo que hay tiempo suficiente. I say there’s enough time. ¿Qué dicen? What do they say? Decimos la misma cosa. We say the same thing. Dice que podemos ir en una hora. He says that we can go in an hour. Julia dice que cree que no. Julia says that she doesn't think so. ¿Qué dices tú? What do you say? ¡No digo eso! I don't say that! "De cierto, de cierto te digo, que el que no naciere de nuevo, no puede ver el reino de Dios." (Juan 3:3). "Certainly, certainly I say to you, that he that is not born again cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3).

Frases importantes notar, important phrases to note:

¿Cómo se dice? = How do you say?

¿Qué quiere decir? = What does it mean?

Se dice así... You say it like this...

Por ejemplo: ¿Cómo se dice eso en inglés? How do you say that in English? ¿Qué quiere decir pollo en inglés? What does pollo mean in English? Se dice chicken en inglés. You say Chicken in English.

Pruebín: (Some questions may require the use of a Spanish-English dictionary or words contained on the flash cards)

1. What is the word for to speak?

2. What is the word for to say?

3. How would you ask, What does that mean?

4. Ask el señor (formal) to speak more slowly, please.

5. What is the word for we speak?

6. What is the word for we say?

7. Say to your friend, You speak English very well.

8. How do you say in Spanish, it says.?

9. What is the word for they speak?

10. What is the word for I say?

*Bonus: Using today's lesson and last weeks, make up 3 more sentences.

La tarea para lección 3:

1. Quote the Bible verse learned from last week.

2. Memorize another Bible verse and quote it smoothly without looking.

Click Here to Print these Lessons Free:

~ Lesson 1: Pronombres, Querer y Ir

~ Lesson 2: Vivir y Tener

~ Lesson 3:
Hablar y Decir

Monday, May 4, 2009

Course It's Free! Free Basic Spanish Lessons 2

Continuing with the FREE basic Spanish course, we are on lesson 2. (If you are following any of the lessons, then I want to remind you to practice often, go over the material often, and practice pronouncing lots of Spanish words).

Lección 2: vivir y tener

Lesson 2: to live and to have

1. Conjugating vivir: to live

(yo) vivo
= I live, (tú) vives = you live, (él/ella/usted) vive = (he/she/you formal) live, (nosotros/-as) vivimos = we live, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) viven = they live (and you all live).

Por ejemplo: Yo vivo
en Pennsylvania. I live in Pennsylvania. Tú vives en los estados unidos. You live in the United States. Juan y María viven en esa casa. John and Mary live in that house. Viven en esa casa. They live in that house. Vivimos lejos de aquí. We live far from here. ¿Donde vive usted? Where do you (formal) live? ¿Donde vive ella? Where does she live? ¿Donde vive Marcos? Where does Marcos live? Ustedes viven en una casa grande. You (plural) live in a big house.

2. Conjugating tener
: to have

(yo) tengo
= I have, (tú) tienes = you have, (él/ella/usted) tiene = (he/she/you formal) have, (nosotros/-as) tenemos = we have, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) tienen = they have (and you all have).

Por ejemplo: Tengo
la llave. I have the key. ¿Tienes sed? Are you thirsty? (Lit. Do you have thirst?). Tienen mucho dinero. They have a lot of money. Tenemos suficiente. We have enough. Tengo que irme. I have to go. Elena tiene las cosas. Elena has the things. ¿Tienen hambre? Are you (plural) hungry? Tengo algo. I have something. ¿Tienes suficiente? Do you have enough? Tim tiene un carro. Tim has a car. Tienen cien pesos ahora. They have a hundred pesos now.
Vamos a tener que ir (irnos). We are going to have to go (to leave).

Pruebín, Quiz: (Some questions may require the use of a Spanish-English dictionary or words contained on the flash cards)

1. What is the word for to live

2. What is the word for to have

3. How do you say, She has.

4. Tell el señor where you live.

5. Ask la señorita (formal) where she lives.

6. Tell la señorita that We have enough, thank you

7. Say to el señor that you have fifteen pesos.

8. Tell your friend that María is hungry

9. How do you say, They live far from here

10. How would you say, We are going to have water

*Bonus: Using today's lesson and last weeks, make up 3 more sentences.

La tarea:
1. Quote the Bible verse learned from last week.
2. Memorize another Bible verse and quote it smoothly in a natural voice.

You can print this lesson and Lesson 1 for free by clicking here:

~ Lesson 1: Pronombres, Querer y Ir

~ Lesson 2: Vivir y Tener