Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gospel Tract Translation (Complete, but not yet proofread)

I finally accurately translated my own gospel tract into Spanish. However, it is in need of a native Spanish speaker who can proofread it. Below is the link.
La Biblia Contesta Nuestra Necesidad para Conocer a Dios

Here is my original English version of this gospel tract:
The Bible Answers Our Need to Know God.

Gracia a todos.

Friday, September 11, 2009

To See Your Glory - Para Ver Tu Gloria

Dios, Dios mío eres tú;
[God, you are my God;]
De madrugada te buscaré;
[In the morning I will seek you;]
Mi alma tiene sed de ti, mi carne te anhela,
[My soul has thirst for you, my flesh longs for you,]
En tierra seca y árida donde no hay aguas,
[In a dry and arid land where there are no waters,]
Para ver tu poder y tu gloria,
[To see your power and your glory]
Así como te he mirado en el santuario.
[So as I have looked to you in the sanctuary.]
Porque mejor es tu misericordia que la vida;
[For better is your mercy than life;]
Mis labios te alabarán.
[My lips will praise you.]
(Salmo 63:1-3)
[(Psalm 63:1-3)]

Amén y amén!

Friday, August 28, 2009

¿Cuán importante es alabar a Dios regularmente en tu vida?

A fin de contestar la pregunta en el título, piensa en estas cosas:

En primer lugar yo nos pregunto ¿por qué es importante alabar a Dios?

La respuesta puede ser simplemente porque él es Dios y nosotros somos sus criaturas (Salmo 100:3). Pero también porque es bueno dar las alabanzas a nuestro Dios (Salmo 92:1), y porque él nos ordena en su Palabra. Solamente él es digno, como nuestro Creador y Señor, para recibir la gloria.

Entonces, ¿Cuán importante para ti es alabar a Dios en tu vida? ¿Das la gloria y las gracias a Dios por los beneficios y bienes de tu vida?

Pero cuando hablamos de alabanza Bíblicamente, debemos hablar de más que bienes y beneficios. La Biblia habla de alabanza a Dios por las características y los atributos de su naturaleza y persona, en cuanto así por sus obras, dones y juicios. Hay muchísimos ejemplos en los libros de la ley, las historias, los salmos, profecías, evangelios, cartas y en el apocalipsis (en toda la Biblia) de oraciones, cantares, doxologías y alabanzas dada a Dios Todopoderoso. Es muy claro que Dios recibe gloria y honra a sí mismo de sus criaturas para siempre.

Si tú crees que vas a vivir para siempre, ¿no piensas que debes dar la alabanza a Dios en el día de hoy mientras vives en este lugar, antes que te vas a aquel lugar?

En segundo lugar, para nosotros que cree en el SEÑOR, es bueno alabarlo siempre, porque él es digno y porque es alegría y salud para nosotros cuando lo adoramos en cada circunstancia de nuestra vida (Salmo 43:11 [la palabra "salvación" significa "salud" en hebreo]; Proverbios 16:24).

Necesitamos dar la alabanza a Dios siempre en Jesucristo por su salvación mediante la cruz y por su resurrección de entre los muertos, por el don del Espíritu Santo en nuestros corazones y por su gran amor, y también porque es salud a nuestras almas cuando le alabamos. Amén.

Monday, August 24, 2009

¿Cómo puedo entender a las mujeres según la Biblia?

Entendiendo a las Mujeres en General

Existen algunas diferencias significativas entre los hombres y las mujeres.

“Estas diferencias fisiológicas inherentes entre los hombres y las mujeres demuestran cómo el Creador y Sustentador del universo diseñó a un hombre y a una mujer para que se complementen el uno al otro (no para competir el uno con el otro)” (p.30).
Otra área que debemos conocer es la concerniente a los roles y responsabilidades asignados por Dios a la mujer.

Dios la llamó a:
• Ser ayuda idónea (Gén.2:18)
• Someterse a su marido (Ef.5:22)
• Ser gloria de su esposo (1 Cor.11:7-9)
• Respetar a su marido (Ef.5:33)
• Adornarse a sí misma con un espíritu afable y apacible (1 Ped.3:3-4)
• Ser casta y respetuosa en su conducta (1 Ped.3:2)
• Ser sabia y clemente con sus palabras (y en su corazón) (Prov.31:26)

Además es importante saber que:
• La mujer fue creada del hombre (1 Cor.11:8)
• La mujer fue hecha para el hombre (1 Cor.11:9)
• La mujer fue hecha después que el hombre (1 Tim.2:13)
• La mujer tiene la inclinación a controlar a su marido (Gén.3:16)
• La mujer es engañada con mayor facilidad (1 Tim.2:14)
• La mujer debe verse a sí misma como un miembro del cuerpo y a su esposo como su cabeza (Ef.5:23)

* Este material ha sido tomado del libro "The Complete Husband" (de Lou Priolo) y es publicado aquí con el debido permiso de Calvary Press, la cual posee los derechos del libro.

[Esto he encontrado en el sitio de web www.ibsj.org de La Iglesia Bíblica del Señor Jesucristo]

Alabanza a Nuestro Dios en Salmo 40

Pacientemente esperé a Jehová, y se inclinó a mí y oyó mi clamor, y me hizo sacar del pozo de la desesperación del lodo cenagoso; puso mis pies sobre peña y enderezó mis pasos. Puso luego en mi boca cántico nuevo, alabanza a nuestro Dios. Verán esto muchos y temerán, y confiarán en Jehová. 
Salmo 40:1-3 RV95.

Estas palabras son muy esperanzado y gozoso. Sana es para meditar y leerlas.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

¿Por qué muchos se falta ánimo para Cristo?

"Podemos estar seguros de que una razón principal por la falta de ánimo que prevalece tanto entre los cristianos hoy en día se debe al hecho de que se ha quitado la mirada de Cristo y que se ha fijado en otro objetivo más bajo. "Mas nuestra vivienda es en los cielos" (Filipenses 3:20), y nunca debemos de estar satisfechos con proponernos un objetivo menor que Cristo. Es el objetivo del hombre y no su posición, lo que le da su carácter."

- C. H. Mackintosh, What is Christianity?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Learning to Lament in Tongues

A friend of mine gave me a passage of Scripture that he told me to meditate on. It is a passage I've read and meditated on often in the past, and so this time I decided to write it down in Spanish (since the Spanish Bible is the one I read out of the most).

Lamentaciones 3:19-33, 37-38, 40
Acuérdate de mi aflicción y de mi abatimiento, del ajenjo y de la hiel;
[Remember my affliction and my dejection, the wormwood and the gall;]
Lo tendré aún en memoria, porque mi alma está abatida dentro de mí;
[I will remember it still, because my soul is cast down within me;]
Esto recapacitaré en mi corazón, por lo tanto esperaré.
[This I will recall in my heart, therefore I will hope.]
Por la misericordia de Jehová no hemos sido consumidos, porque nunca decayeron sus misericordias.
[By the mercy of Jehovah we have not been consumed, for his mercies never diminish.]
Nuevas son cada mañana; grande es tu fidelidad.
[They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.]
Mi porción es Jehová, dijo mi alma; por tanto, en él esperaré.
[My portion is Jehovah, said my soul; therefore, in him will I hope.]
Bueno es Jehová a los que en él esperan, al alma que le busca.
[Jehovah is good to those that hope in him, to the soul that seeks him.]
Bueno es esperar en silencio la salvación de Jehová.
[It is good to wait in silence for the salvation of Jehovah.]
Bueno le es al hombre llevar el yugo desde su juventud.
[To him it is good for a man to carry the yoke from his youth.]
Que se siente solo y calle, porque es Dios quien se lo impuso;
[That he sits alone and quiet, for it is God who imposed it on him.]
Ponga su boca en el polvo, por si aún hay esperanza;
[Let him put his mouth in the dust, for if yet there is hope;]
Dé la mejilla al que le hiere, y sea colmado de afrentas.
[Let him give the cheek to him that wounds him, and let him be heaped with insults.]
Porque el Señor no desecha para siempre;
[Because the Lord does not cast off forever;]
Antes si aflige, también se compadece según la multitud de sus misericordias;
[For if he afflicts, he also sympathizes according to the multitude of his mercies;]
Porque no aflige ni entristece voluntariamente a los hijos de los hombres.
[For he does not afflict nor sadden voluntarily to the children of men.]

¿Quién será aquel que diga que sucedió algo que el Señor no mandó?
[Who will that be who says that something succeeded which the Lord did not command?]
¿De la boca del Altísimo no sale lo malo y lo bueno?
[From the mouth of the Most High goes not out the bad and the good?]

Escrudriñemos nuestros caminos, y busquemos, y volvámonos a Jehová;
[Let us examine our ways, and let us search, and let us return to Jehovah;]


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Learning Tongues: Spanish, German and Chinese

Spanish phrase: using the words me (may) = "me, myself" and gustar (goo-star) = "to like".

Me gusta aprender idiomas diferentes. "I like to learn different languages." This phrase can be used with food or a multitude of other preferences.

Since March of this year (2009), I have been studying Spanish vehemently, grappling it around the neck and trying to pin it to the ground in victory.

I thank God for this answer to my prayers, and I now speak it often on the streets when witnessing to Latin Americans. They are usually surprised and happy to talk.

The other languages I've begun looking into more are Mandarin Chinese and German. Both are difficult to begin, but now that I have gained a grip on Spanish, neither seem nearly as intimidating. In fact, I am already eager to step out on the mat and start struggling again.

This tuesday I offered a Chinese gospel tract to the manager at a Chinese restaurant, saying, "Nee-how-ma?" (How are you?). Then I told him the tract was "Howshee-owshee" (Good news). Seems it's time I learn more Chinese.

As for German, my grandmother speaks Pennsylvania German (popularly known as "Pennsylvania Dutch"), and I am learning the proper Germany German. It may be of help to me in order to communicate much better with the "Dutchy" (German speaking) people here in Lancaster. We shall see.

Auf wiedersehen (Owf-vee-da-zayn) = Good bye.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Listening Practice in Both Spanish and English

Listen to this sermon in both languages for an excellent resource to practice listening.

Spanish Podcasts, Hindi, Chinese and other tongues

As my search for free language learning resources continues, I've found a number of helpful podcasts.

Here is a list of podcasts in Spanish that offer free listening on some of their programs, while the course materials are usually for sale. These are great for some quick help.

I also found an excellent podcast for learning Hindi here at ISpeakHindi.com.

I learned from there how to say Hello = Namaste, and how to say Nice to meet you = Ap se mil ke ach cha-laga.

I also found some chinese podcasts that I need to check into some more.

One thing I learned is that Chinese is a lot different from our language, because words and meanings depend heavily on the tone (like a musical note) of the word being pronounced.

Very interesting! :D

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 5

This is lesson 5 in the beginning series of written and audio lessons that I developed for the purpose of learning and helping my friends learn.

Click on the lessons at the top of the sidebar menu to go to the beginning and start there if you missed any other lessons.

Now, here is the written part of Lesson 5: Poder y Estar

Right click here to download this audio.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 4

Use the sidebar links to go directly to each lesson starting from the beginning.

Here is the transcript for Lesson 4: Ser y Saber

Right click to download the Audio for Lesson 4: Ser y Saber.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 3

Scroll down to read and listen to the beginning lessons. These lessons are basic, totally FREE for all and easy to follow. Just read over the transcript, then listen to the audio and practice. Let me know if any of these have helped. Thanks!

Read the lesson here: Lesson 3: Hablar y Decir

Right click here to download this audio: Lesson 3 audio

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 2

Listen along FREE and learn now to speak Spanish. I'm not a professional or a native Spanish speaker, but these lessons are helping me learn, so why not join me for free.

Read the Lesson here: Lesson 2: Vivir y Tener

Right click to download this audio FREE: Lesson 2 Audio

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Course It's Free! Audio for Lesson 1

Use these free audio lessons along with the corresponding written lessons, in order to practice speaking Spanish now!

Lesson 1: Pronouns and the verbs Querer y Ir


Right Click to download Audio Introduction

Lesson 1: Pronouns

Right click to download Lesson 1: Pronouns

Lesson 1: Querer y Ir

Right Click to download Lesson 1: Querer y Ir

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Course It's Free! - Free Basic Spanish Lessons 3

Below is lesson 3: Hablar y Decir (you can print it by clicking the link at the bottom of this post).

As I continue to search for websites that offer real help in learning to speak the Spanish language for free, my satisfaction level decreases. I'm not saying there are no helpful resources on the internet for learning Spanish free of charge, I'm sure there are some great ones. However, I have not found many. I do know of one that comes from Spain by a young married couple at (Notes in Spanish), which offers a pretty good resource, although I have visited only occasionally. (I just redescovered another great site that I had forgotten about, even though a friend had shown it to me before: 123 Teach Me -Free Spanish Lessons!)

So, here I've been making my own lessons... and you know what I have discovered? I learn much faster when I make up my own course!! I didn't know how this would work out when I started it, but it has helped me a great deal in the last week and a half. So here is my third lesson. Free for all!

(And note: My lessons probably contain a lot of mistakes I don't know about. I would appreciate being informed if any are discovered. And all my blogs and writing always center around God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and His Word the Bible, so my lessons contain this naturally as well). Enjoy!

Lección 3: hablar y decir

Lesson 3: to speak and to say

1. Conjugating hablar: to speak

(yo) hablo = I speak, (tú) hablas = you speak, (él/ella/usted) habla = (he/she/you formal) speaks, (nosotros/-as) hablamos = we speak, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) hablan = they speak and you all (ustedes) speak.

Por ejemplo: Hablo inglés. I speak English. Hablas muy bien. You speak very well. Hablan de muchas cosas allí. They speak of many things there. Hablamos español también. We speak Spanish too. Hablas demasiado rápido. You speak too fast. Hablo despacio. I speak slowly. Juan habla despacio, pero María habla muy rápido. John speaks slowly, but Maria speaks very fast. Hablan demasiado. They speak too much. ¿Ustedes hablan inglés? Do you (plural) speak English? Queremos hablar con ustedes. We want to speak with you (plural).

2. Conjugar decir: to say or to tell

(yo) digo = I say, (tú) dices = you say, (él/ella/usted) dice = (he/she/you formal) say, (nosotros/-as) decimos = we say, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) dicen = they say and you all (ustedes) say.

Por ejemplo: Digo que hay tiempo suficiente. I say there’s enough time. ¿Qué dicen? What do they say? Decimos la misma cosa. We say the same thing. Dice que podemos ir en una hora. He says that we can go in an hour. Julia dice que cree que no. Julia says that she doesn't think so. ¿Qué dices tú? What do you say? ¡No digo eso! I don't say that! "De cierto, de cierto te digo, que el que no naciere de nuevo, no puede ver el reino de Dios." (Juan 3:3). "Certainly, certainly I say to you, that he that is not born again cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3).

Frases importantes notar, important phrases to note:

¿Cómo se dice? = How do you say?

¿Qué quiere decir? = What does it mean?

Se dice así... You say it like this...

Por ejemplo: ¿Cómo se dice eso en inglés? How do you say that in English? ¿Qué quiere decir pollo en inglés? What does pollo mean in English? Se dice chicken en inglés. You say Chicken in English.

Pruebín: (Some questions may require the use of a Spanish-English dictionary or words contained on the flash cards)

1. What is the word for to speak?

2. What is the word for to say?

3. How would you ask, What does that mean?

4. Ask el señor (formal) to speak more slowly, please.

5. What is the word for we speak?

6. What is the word for we say?

7. Say to your friend, You speak English very well.

8. How do you say in Spanish, it says.?

9. What is the word for they speak?

10. What is the word for I say?

*Bonus: Using today's lesson and last weeks, make up 3 more sentences.

La tarea para lección 3:

1. Quote the Bible verse learned from last week.

2. Memorize another Bible verse and quote it smoothly without looking.

Click Here to Print these Lessons Free:

~ Lesson 1: Pronombres, Querer y Ir

~ Lesson 2: Vivir y Tener

~ Lesson 3:
Hablar y Decir

Monday, May 4, 2009

Course It's Free! Free Basic Spanish Lessons 2

Continuing with the FREE basic Spanish course, we are on lesson 2. (If you are following any of the lessons, then I want to remind you to practice often, go over the material often, and practice pronouncing lots of Spanish words).

Lección 2: vivir y tener

Lesson 2: to live and to have

1. Conjugating vivir: to live

(yo) vivo
= I live, (tú) vives = you live, (él/ella/usted) vive = (he/she/you formal) live, (nosotros/-as) vivimos = we live, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) viven = they live (and you all live).

Por ejemplo: Yo vivo
en Pennsylvania. I live in Pennsylvania. Tú vives en los estados unidos. You live in the United States. Juan y María viven en esa casa. John and Mary live in that house. Viven en esa casa. They live in that house. Vivimos lejos de aquí. We live far from here. ¿Donde vive usted? Where do you (formal) live? ¿Donde vive ella? Where does she live? ¿Donde vive Marcos? Where does Marcos live? Ustedes viven en una casa grande. You (plural) live in a big house.

2. Conjugating tener
: to have

(yo) tengo
= I have, (tú) tienes = you have, (él/ella/usted) tiene = (he/she/you formal) have, (nosotros/-as) tenemos = we have, (ellos/ellas/ustedes) tienen = they have (and you all have).

Por ejemplo: Tengo
la llave. I have the key. ¿Tienes sed? Are you thirsty? (Lit. Do you have thirst?). Tienen mucho dinero. They have a lot of money. Tenemos suficiente. We have enough. Tengo que irme. I have to go. Elena tiene las cosas. Elena has the things. ¿Tienen hambre? Are you (plural) hungry? Tengo algo. I have something. ¿Tienes suficiente? Do you have enough? Tim tiene un carro. Tim has a car. Tienen cien pesos ahora. They have a hundred pesos now.
Vamos a tener que ir (irnos). We are going to have to go (to leave).

Pruebín, Quiz: (Some questions may require the use of a Spanish-English dictionary or words contained on the flash cards)

1. What is the word for to live

2. What is the word for to have

3. How do you say, She has.

4. Tell el señor where you live.

5. Ask la señorita (formal) where she lives.

6. Tell la señorita that We have enough, thank you

7. Say to el señor that you have fifteen pesos.

8. Tell your friend that María is hungry

9. How do you say, They live far from here

10. How would you say, We are going to have water

*Bonus: Using today's lesson and last weeks, make up 3 more sentences.

La tarea:
1. Quote the Bible verse learned from last week.
2. Memorize another Bible verse and quote it smoothly in a natural voice.

You can print this lesson and Lesson 1 for free by clicking here:

~ Lesson 1: Pronombres, Querer y Ir

~ Lesson 2: Vivir y Tener

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Course It's Free! - free basic lessons in Spanish 1

[These lessons can be printed by clicking the links at the end of each]

If like me, you try to learn everything from the internet, and you have searched for easy-to-understand Spanish lessons, but have had trouble finding something good that doesn't try to get you to sign your checking account away, then maybe this post and some that follow can help you.

The following are lessons I wrote to help my brother and my pastor learn the basics of Spanish. I struggled for a long time with these basic concepts, until the past couple of months. In an effort to make things more understandable and to get them to stick, I have written these lessons.

They are FREE for the taking. Comment if you have any questions or corrections to my mistakes, and I may be able to help or point you to more resources. Thanks.

(These lessons assume that the reader knows how to pronounce basic Spanish, if not, I recommend clicking here, or searching for some audio that can help).

Lección 1: pronombres personales y conjugando verbos
Lesson 1: personal pronouns and conjugating verbs

1. Personal Pronouns in Spanish, Pronombres Personales en español:

Spanish verbs are conjugated, or formed, according to the corresponding personal pronoun used with that word. (personal pronouns are words like me, I, you, them, us, him, her etc.).

For example, the word querer means to want, but when it is used in the phrase I want, it becomes yo quiero. When it is used with the pronoun him, as in he wants, it becomes el quiere. This is called conjugating the verb, when it changes according to its subject.

Because Spanish verbs are conjugated this way, it is not always necessary to include the personal pronoun of the subject in sentences. It is already implied by the way the verb is conjugated.

For example: the phrase I want to go with you, in Spanish = Quiero ir contigo. The Spanish word for the first person pronown I = yo. Notice that the personal pronoun yo was left out of the sentence, since it was already implied in the verb form quiero (I want).

Another example is the question Are you ready?, which becomes ¿Estás listo? The pronoun , which means you in a familiar sense, has been left out of this sentence. Instead, it has been implied with the verb form Estás (You are). If the pronoun were included to add emphasis, the sentence would then say, ¿ estás listo? (Are YOU ready?).

This concept will become clearer shortly, as we learn how to conjugate Spanish verbs according to their corresponding pronouns.

The personal pronouns in Spanish are:
yo = me or I; = you (informal with familiarity); él, ella, usted = he, her, you (formal); nosotros, nosotras = us or we (masculine & feminine); ellos, ellas, ustedes = them (masculine), them (feminine), you (plural & formal).

Nota, : (There is also the pronoun vosotros, which means you in a non-formal plural sense, but it is not commonly used in most of Latin America (except for Argentina). It is, however, still used in some parts of the world and in the Bible. We will concentrate in these lessons on learning the most common plural form of you, which is ustedes.)

2. Conjugating the verb querer: to want

(yo) quiero = I want; (tú) quieres = you want; (él/ella/usted) quiere = (he/she/you formal) want; (nosotros/-as) queremos = we want; (ellos/ellas/ustedes) quieren = they want (and you all want).

Por ejemplo: Quiero ir con ellos. I want to go with them. ¿Dónde quieres ir? Where do you want to go? Él quiere ir al parque. He wants to go to the park. Quieren ir. They want to go. Queremos comer. We want to eat. Quieren ir ahora. They want to go now. María quiere ir al supermercado. Maria wants to go to the supermarket. Quiero un café, por favor. I want a coffee, please.

3. Conjugating the verb ir: to go

(yo) voy = I go; (tú) vas = you go; (él/ella/usted) va = (he/she/you formal) go; (nosotros/-as) vamos = we go; (ellos/ellas/ustedes) van = they go (and you all go).

Por ejemplo: ¿Adónde van? Where are they going? Vamos a la casa de Juan. We are going to John's house. ¿Adónde va ella? Where is she going? Va con nosotros. She is going with us. Voy aquí, vas allí. I'm going here, you're going there. Voy al supermercado. I'm going to the supermarket. ¡Vamos! Let's go! Vamos a tener que irnos. We are going to have to leave. (In this sentence, the word ir combines with the pronoun to make irnos. For voy its irme, for vas its irte, for va its irse, for vamos its irnos and for van its irse.)

Quiz: (Note: Some questions may require the use of a Spanish-English dictionary or words contained on the flash cards)

1. What is the Spanish word for me or I?

2. What are the various words for other people, personal pronouns?

3. What is the verb form for I want?

4. What are the words for to want and to go?

5. Ask your friend if he wants a water (Hint: a single water is often used with the masculine form un. This is an exception to the rule of using the feminine form una with feminine words).

6. Say I want to go to the supermarket.

7. Say We are going to the supermarket.

8. Say They want to go there.

9. Ask your friend (singular, familiar pronoun) where she is going?

10. Conjugate both verbs for to want and to go?

*Bonus: Read a verse from the Spanish Bible and pronounce every word accurately (use a pronunciation guide if necessary).

1. Memorize one verse from the Spanish Bible and quote it out loud in a natural voice.

[Check out these FREE basic lessons on how to pronounce Spanish available at StudySpanish.com. Use the left sidebar to find the sections on the site.]


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Learning Spanish: Practice Phrases (Preguntas)

So I made these small flash cards that have been helping me learn and helping my friends learn to speak Spanish. This one contains some various phrases in the form of questions (preguntas) for practicing Spanish. One side is all Spanish and the other is all English.

Varios preguntas para practicar español:
1.Hola! ¿en qué puedo ayudarte? 2.¿Qué quieres comer?(pl.=quieren) 3.¿Tienes sed? 4.¿Tienes hambre?(pl.=tienen) 5.¿Quieres algo más? 6.¿Dónde está el baño? 7.¿Dónde quieres ir? 8.¿Cómo se llama? 9.¿Puedo tener tu numero y dirección de email? 10.¿Puedes escribirlo, por favor? 11.¿Cuándo te vas?(pl.=se van) 12.¿Cuándo debemos reunirnos? 13.¿Donde estarás? 14.¿Cómo puedo llegar allí? 15.¿Quieres hablar ahora o más tarde? 16.¿Tienes tiempo? 17.¿Dónde quieres ir después de cenar? 18¿Estás lista ahora? 19.¿Por qué no? 20.¿Cuánto tiempo tenemos? 21.¿No sabes? 22.¿Quieres saber? 23.¿Por qué no vienes conmigo? 24.¿Puede usted ayudarme? 25.¿Y por qué miras la paja que está en el ojo de tu hermano, y no miras la viga que está en tu propio ojo?

Various questions for to practice Spanish:
1.Hi! How can I help you? 2.What would you like to eat? 3.Are you thirsty? 4.Are you hungry? 5.Do you want anything else? 6.Where is the bathroom? 7.Where do you want to go? 8.What’s your name? 9.Can I have your number and email address? 10.Could you write it please? 11.When are you leaving? 12.When should we meet? 13.Where will you be? 14.How can I get there? 15.Do you want to talk now or later? 16.Do you have time? 17.Where do you want to go after dinner? 18.Are you ready now? 19.Why not? 20.How much time do we have? 21.Don’t you know? 22.Do you want to know? 23.Why don’t you come with me? 24.Can you help me? 25.And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, and you don’t see the log that is in your own eye?

Along with these questions I made another flash card which helps with pronunciations.

Pronunciación = Pro-noon-syah-see-OWN:
uno = OO-no. cinco = sinko. cuatro = KWAH-tro. que = kay. quiere = KYAY’dday. hombre = OM-bray. minutos = mee-NOO-tos. estará = ess-tah’dd’AH. está = ess-TAH. practicar = prahk-tee-CAR. a = ah. puedo = PWAY-do. panadería = pah-nah-day-REE-ah. vivir = vee-veer. baño = bahn-nyo. usted = oostED. ustedes = oos-TED-ess. número = NOO-may-ro. tienes = tyay-nays. escribir = escree-beer. cuándo = kWAHndo. yo = jyo. llegar = jyay-gar. llama = jYAH-mah. ojo = OH-ho. tenemos = tay-NAY-mos. ahora = ah-O-rah. hermana = air-MAH-nah. ayudarme = ah-jyoo-DAR-may. comer = co-MAYR. dirección = dee-rek-see-OWN. quiero = kYAY-ddo. quieren = kyay’dden. más = mAHs. mira = mEE-’ddah. contiene = kon-TYAY-nay. gente = hentay. debemos = day-BAY-mos. justo = HOO-sto. hacer = ah-SER. azucar = ah-soo-CAR. guerra = geh-’dddah. cena = SAY-nah. allí = ah-jYEE. hay = I. te = tay.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Learning Spanish: Pronouncing the Alphabet and Numbers

In an effort to help my companions and myself learn the Spanish tongue, I have been working on putting together flash cards with a lot of information on a small piece of paper for learning basic Spanish. Despite any mistakes that may be present, they have thus far been a real help in practicing Spanish.

I am publishing some here for anyone who may find this information useful. We begin with learning to pronounce the alphabet:

A = ah; B = b; C = s (e,i) or k; D = d, E = ay or eh, F = f; G = g or h (e,i); H = (always silent); I = ee; J = H; K = k; L = L; Ll = y (as in yet, but with a j sound); M = m; N = n; Ñ = ny (as in canyon); O = O (as in so); P = p; Q = k; R = ‘dd (as in padded); Rr = (rolling trill sound with the tongue); S = s; T = t; U = oo; V = v or b; W = w; X = ks or h; Y = ee (by itself) or j; Z = s.

1 Uno, 2 Dos, 3 Tres, 4 Cuatro, 5 Cinco; 6 Seis, 7 Siete, 8 Ocho, 9 Nueve, 10 Diez, 11 Once, 12 Doce, 13 Trece, 14 Catorce, 15 Quince, 16 Dieciseis, 17 Diecisiete, 18 Dieciocho, 19 Diecinueve, 20 Veinte, 21 Veintiuno, 30 Treinta, 31 Treinta y uno, 40 Cuarenta, 50 Cincuenta, 60 Sesenta, 70 Setenta, 80 Ochenta, 90 Noventa, 100 Cien, 1001 Ciento uno, 200 Doscientos, 500 Quinientos, 700 Setecientos, 1000 Mil, etc. (Seis = sayss; Siete = syet-ay; Nueve = nway-vay; Veinte = vayn-tay; Treinta y uno = traynt-I-uno;

Monday, April 20, 2009

Twi: A New Tongue to Me

Twi is the difficult-to-pronounce name of the language spoken in Ghana, West Africa. The English word for this language is Akan. I had my first lesson in Akan yesterday after church while talking to my friend Romeo.

I asked him how to say a greeting in his language, so he taught me to say "Atesei" (ah-tes-ay),  which means "Hi, how are you all." The response is then "Eye" (ay-yay), which means "fine" or "we are doing good."

Twi is pronounced in a way I have never heard before. It sounds something like Tschee, although no American sound can parallel it, which is why English speakers are told to say "Akan" instead.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rescatado de una Herencia Vano

This post was originally written on my blog All of Grace. I decided to try to translate it into Spanish.

Rescatado de una Herencia Vano

Y si invocáis por Padre a aquel que sin acepción de personas juzga según la obra de cada uno, conducíos en temor todo el tiempo de vuestra peregrinación; sabiendo que fuisteis rescatados de vuestra vana manera de vivir, la cual recibisteis de vuestros padres,..." (1 Pedro 1:17-18 RVR60).

En este pasaje apreciado, el Apóstol Pedro nos dice que si consideremos Dios ser nuestro Padre mediante Su Hijo Jesus y por Su Espíritu Santo, entonces estamos llamados a vivir una vida santo y conducirse nosotros mismos con mucho temor (en Griego la palabra es phobos). El uso de la palabra para temor, contiene en su contexto Biblico los sentidos de reverencia, honra y respeto también (1 Pedro 2:17; 3:2).

Estamos llamados a haber un profundo, reverencial y sano temor del Dios quien nos ha compró desde nuestros vana y vacío maneras, la cual heredamos naturalmente de nuestros antepasados. Las maneras de esclavitud de vidas vivida apartada de Dios.

"no con cosas corruptibles, como oro o plata, sino con la sangre preciosa de Cristo, como de un cordero sin mancha y sin contaminación," (1 Pedro 1:19).

El precio fue de valor. No sólo un precio alto (el altísimo), pero de más valor que cualquiera otra cosa. No porque somos digno en ningún manera, pero porque la santidad y justicia de Dios es digno y debe ser vindicativo (Romanos 3:25,26). ¡Nosotros fuimos comprado, redimido, rescatado del pecado, del muerte y del infierno con la preciosa sangre (la vida) de Cristo Jesús, el eterno Hijo de Dios!

Dios compró personas desde la vacuidad de una vida pecaminosa y vana, desde los tormentos eternos de un infierno merecido, y desde el juicio de Su propio justicia por la preciosa sangre de Jesucristo. Esta es una razon, una razon real, para vivir una vida apartada para Dios. No siendo conformados a este siglo o a este mundo, sino siendo transformados por medio de la renovación de nuestros entendimientos, para que comprobemos cuál sea la buena voluntad de Dios, agradable y perfecta. (Romanos 12:1,2).

"ya destinado desde antes de la fundación del mundo, pero manifestado en los postreros tiempos por amor de vosotros, y mediante el cual creéis en Dios, quien le resucitó de los muertos y le ha dado gloria, para que vuestra fe y esperanza sean en Dios." (1 Pedro 1:20-21).

La salvación, la redención está todo hallado en Cristo. Note que aun nuestro fe en Dios llega por medio de la resurreción y gloria de Su Hijo. Toda gloria, honra y gracias sea a nuestro Señor! Amen.

Estimado amigo, si no usted redimida verdaderamente desde una vacía vida de pecado, entonces su eternidad será pasado padeciendo el precio para aquello pecado. El infierno es real, y tan es el amor de Dios que entregaría Su Hijo para comprar pecadores desde tal terrible cosas. No espera otro día, pero vaya al Señor Jesús en oración inmediatamente y busque para ser hallado habiendo una fe y esperanza que es en Dios mediante Él, y también una vida santo para probarlo.

Ningún de sus pecados serían contado contra ti si Cristo pagarlos y usted confía en Él. Su vida sería una que es rescatado desde la vanidad para siempre para sirvir y honrar el Dios quien puede llamar "Padre." Sea seguro que esto es su caso y no el primero.

Gracia y paz sea con todos los que aman nuestro Señor con amor inalterable. (Efesios 6:24).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spanish Learning Resources Online

I found some new websites that are helpful for studying Spanish:

1. The Free Dictionary by Farlex has word definitions in many languages.

2. Study Spanish .Com has a lot of simple basic lessons for free. The site is very well organized and the audio and reading material is simple and easy to grasp.

3. Conjugation.com has become one of my best aids in learning Spanish verbs (this site is like water to a parched land when it comes to figuring out Spanish verb conjugations!).

One of the best experiences I have had so far in learning Spanish, has been visiting Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic. There, it was so much more fun and easy to learn, because everybody spoke Español. I can't wait to go back.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Listening to Spanish sermons from the DR

I enjoy learning Spanish more and more as I am able to use it. One way that learning Spanish has helped me personally is that I am able to listen to these amazing sermons preached in Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana. This message was exactly what I needed to hear today, and anyone who can must listen to it! Este mensaje era exactamente lo que necesité oír hoy, y cualesquiera que puede, debe escucharlo! (By the way, I was at this church a week ago and met many wonderful Christians there. I praise God for these people!)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Help Needed: Translating English to Spanish 4 (Last Post)

Click here for the entire series of paragraphs, and here for details about helping out. Gracias!

La Biblia también advierte que mucha gente escucharán a esto mensaje, y aparecerán creerlo, pero ellos serán perdido por siempre en el infierno porque de sus desobediencia continuo y corazón sin cambio. No esté uno de aquellos, sino examínense para ver si están verdaderamente uno de Su ovejas. La carta de 1 Juan fue escrita a fin de ayudarnos prueba la autenticidad de nuestra fe, y para tuviéramos certidumbre de nuestro salvación. Debes leerlo para que saber.

Amigo mío, no otra mensaje de buenas noticias ha sido tan odiado alrededor el mundo, y aún, no otra mensaje hacía tan muchas caída a las rodillas llanto sobre de sus propio dureza de corazón en arrepentimiento. ¿Quieres vendrás a Jesús y buscarás a Él para vida eterna? No esperas ningún otra día sin sabiendo si estás perdonado, sino vas a Jesúcristo hoy en oración y busque para conocerlo por leyendo todo lo que dijo en su Palabra, la Biblia. Él es capable ambos para perdonar a ti tus pecados y dar usted Suyos Espíritu Santo para causar usted ser cambiado y vivir una vida nueva. Él vendrá de nuevo, y lo ha preguntado, "Pero cuando venga el Hijo del Hombre, ¿hallará fe en la tierra?" (Lucas 18:8). ¿Lo hallará en usted? - por Penn Tomassetti

Here is the original English:

The Bible also warns that many people will hear this message, and appear to believe, but will be lost forever in hell because of their continuing disobedience and unchanged heart. Don't be one of those, but examine yourself to see if you are truly one of His sheep. The letter of 1 John was written to help us test the genuineness of our own faith, and to have the assurance of salvation. You need to read it and know for yourself.

My friend, no other message of good news has been so hated all over the world, and yet, no other message has made so many fall on their knees crying over their own hardness of heart in repentance. Will you turn to Jesus and seek Him for eternal life? Don't wait another day not knowing if you are forgiven, but go to Jesus Christ today in prayer and seek to know Him by reading all that He has said in His Word, the Bible. He is able to both forgive your sins and give you His Holy Spirit to cause you to be changed and live a new life. He is coming again, and He has asked, “Nevertheless when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). Will He find it in you? - by Penn Tomassetti

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Help Needed: Translating English to Spanish 3

I need the wise counsel and advice of anyone who speaks both Spanish and English. This is the third post with my translation of a gospel tract I wrote, which I want to make easily readable in Spanish also. Since I only know a little Spanish, my translation needs to be corrected, and so I'm looking for help with that. Please see here for details. Gracias (Thanks).

Por supuesto, a nadie le gusto oír tales malas noticias acerca de sí mismos, especialmente cuando tenemos habemos bastante de dificultades de vida sin conocer tales cosas. Sin embargo, si alguno se apreciará la gran y sincero amor de Dios, primero deben comprender la realidad del pecado y el juicio. Todos han pecado como resultado de la desobediencia del primero hombre (incluido usted que lea este), por tanto todos han caído bajo el justo condenación de un Dios Santo por dejándose la verdad de Él para falsedad. Por lo tanto, sabiendo esto malas noticias acerca nosotros mismos lleva a nosotros a la buenas noticias de la gracia de Dios en Cristo. Pero de conocer a Dios, debemos primero sabemos nuestro necesidad apremiante de Él. Sin la ayuda de Dios, somos desesperadamente dirigirse hacia nuestros propios camino a destrucción. Pero las buenas noticias es que Dios es mucho gusto a paso en Su propio creación en el más asombroso manera y revelar Sí mismo a ellos quien arrepenten con sinceridad (volver la cara del pecado y de sí mismo, y volver hacia Dios), y creen (confiar, depender de) Su Hijo Jesucristo.

Of course, nobody likes to hear such bad news about themselves, especially when we have had enough of life's troubles without knowing such things. However, if anyone is going to appreciate the grand and heart piercing love of God, they must first understand the reality of sin and judgment. Everyone has sinned as a result of the first man's disobedience (that includes you reading this), therefore all have fallen under the just condemnation of a Holy God for turning away from His truth to falsehood. Knowing this bad news about ourselves leads us to the good news of God's grace in Christ. But in order to know God, we must first know our desperate need of Him. Without God's help, we are hopelessly headed down our own path to destruction. But the good news is that God is pleased to step into His own creation in the most amazing way and reveal Himself to those who genuinely repent (turn away from sin and self toward God) and believe (trust, rely on) His Son Jesus Christ.

Esto es las buenas noticias del evangelio, que Dios se reveló Sí mismo en la tierra por medio de un hombre, en Su Hijo Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Con el fin de demostrar su amor para aquellos quien odiado a Él, Jesús fue despiadadamente traicionó, se acusada falsamente, y se mató en una cruz por la maldad de los hombres injustos. Jesús también testificado al que Él llegó a morir voluntariamente, en obediencia a su Padre. Esto fue al fin que tomar todos los pecados de Su gente sobre Sí mismo. La Escritura dice: "Al que no conoció pecado, por nosotros lo hizo pecado, para que nosotros fuésemos hechos justicia de Dios en él." (2 Corintios 5:21). Eso significa que Dios el Padre dio Su propio amado Hijo para ser matado en la cruz para una maldición para el pecado de Su gente. Él resucitó de los muertos después tres días exactamente como lo dijo haría, de esta manera lo confirmó que Él es fiel, como el Hijo de Dios, para salvar todos aquellos quien vienen a Él sólo por medio de la fe en su sangre. Esto fue así que aquellos quien sólo confian en Dios por medio de Jesucristo para obtener vida eterna no son declararán culpable, sino son dado gratuitamente un justicia perfecto y una posición derecha con Dios el Padre. Esto es por gracia por medio de la fe. ¡Cuán gran amor! ¡Que Jesucristo vino en al mundo a salvar a los pecadores (1 Timoteo 1:15)! Así bien, nosotros sólo conocer a Dios por medio de Jesucristo Su Hijo (2 Corintios 4:6; 1 Juan 5:11-12).

This is the good news of the gospel, that God revealed Himself on earth in a Man, in His Son Jesus Christ our Lord. To prove His love for those who hated Him, Jesus was ruthlessly betrayed, falsely accused and murdered on a cross because of the wickedness of self-righteous men. Jesus also testified that He came to die willingly, in obedience to His Father. This was in order to take the sins of all His people upon Himself. Scripture says, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that we would become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:21). That means that God the Father gave His own beloved Son to be killed on a cross as a curse for the sin of His own people. He rose from the dead after three days exactly as He said He would, confirming that He is faithful, as the Son of God, to save all who come to Him through faith alone in His blood. This was so that those who trust in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life would not be counted guilty, but would be freely granted a perfect righteousness and good standing before God the Father by grace through faith. What love! That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15)! So, we only know God through Jesus Christ His Son (2 Corinthians 4:6; 1 John 5:11-12).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Help Needed: My Translation from English to Spanish

Continuing my translation of the gospel tract: "The Bible Answers Our Need to Know God" into Spanish. Any help from native Latin American speakers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Here it is first in English, then in my rough Spanish draft [I have now added corrections in brackets as they are needed]:

How to know God?

The Bible teaches that all people have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This means that the perfect standard God has set for righteousness has been broken by every human being living on earth. It means that sin is evil and deserves punishment in such a degree as it relates to the character and nature of God Himself. Sin is not only the outward acts people perform, such as adultery, murder, theft, lying, abuse, greed, pride, gossip, sexual perversion, coveting and things like these. Those things are the outward manifestations of an inward rebellion against righteousness, even against God Himself. The Bible speaks of God as totally holy, righteous, good, merciful, gracious and pure. The reason many are so quick to assume that “no good God could allow so much evil in the world,” can only be because our standard of right and wrong does not match His. This is why so many falsely accuse God of wrong, because they do not believe He measures up to their own standard. The problem is not that God looks unjust to man, but that man is unjust before a perfectly just and holy God. Man is on trial, not God, and so we are accountable to God, not only for every deed, but for every word and thought as well. Therefore all mankind are said to be totally corrupt in their heart from birth (Genesis 6:5; Psalm 51:5; Romans 3:10-12). This is our sinful state apart from God.

We read in Romans chapter one: “For the wrath of God is uncovered from heaven against all the ungodliness and injustice of people who hold back the truth by their wrong doing. Because that which is well-known about God is clear to them, since God has shown it to them. For the invisible things of God and His eternal power and Godhood are already understood. They have been fully seen by the works done in the creation of the world, so that they have no excuse. For although they knew God, they did not think of His glory and praise or give Him thanks, but they became thoughtless and dark in their stupid heart. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1:18-22). They exchanged God for a lie.

Cómo Conocer a Dios

La Biblia enseña a que toda gente han pecado y quedarse corto [está fuera destituida] de la gloria de Dios (Romanos 3:23). Esto significa que la estandar perfecto [de rectitude] que Dios ha puso para justicia [establecido,] ha sido quebrado por cada persona
[quebrantado por cada ser humano] que vive en la tierra. Significa que el pecado es malo y es digno de castigo al grado de tal manera que afecta al carácter y a la naturaleza de Dios mismo. El pecado es no solamente hechos externos, de tal como adulterio, matar, robar, mentiroso, abuso, avaricia, orgullo, chismoso, perversión sexual, codicia y cosas como este. Estas cosas son el manifestación externo del rebelión interno contra justicia, aun contra Dios mismo. La Biblia habla de Dios como totalmente santo, justo, bueno, misericordioso, puro y llena de la gracia. El razón muchos son tan rapído asumir que "Ningún Dios bueno puede permite tan mucha maldad en la tierra," puede solamente estar porque nuestro estándar de derecho y mal no está de acuerdo con Suyo. Esto es por qué tan muchas acusan a Dios falsamente con maldad, porque ellos no creo que Él está de acuerdo con sus estándar. La problema no es que Dios parece injusto al hombres, sino que hombres son injusto delante de un Dios perfecto y justo. El hombre está ser sometido a juicio, no Dios, y así que somos responsables, no sólo para cada acto, sino para cada palabra y pensamos también. Por tanto toda de humanidad son dicho ser corrumpido totalmente en el corazón desde nacimiento (Génesis 6:5; Salmo 51:5; Romanos 3:10-12). Esto es nuestro estado pecaminoso aparte de Dios.

Leemos en Romanos capítulo uno: "Porque la ira de Dios se revela desde el cielo contra toda impiedad e injusticia de los hombres que detienen con injusticia la verdad; porque lo que de Dios se conoce les es manifiesto, pues Dios se lo manifestó. Porque las cosas invisibles de él, su eterno poder y deidad, se hacen claramente visibles desde la creación del mundo, siendo entendidas por medio de las cosas hechas, de modo que no tienen excusa. Pues habiendo conocido a Dios, no le glorificaron como a Dios, ni le dieron gracias, sino que se envanecieron en sus razonamientos, y su necio corazón fue entenebrecido. Profesando ser sabios, se hicieron necios" (Romanos 1:18-22). Ellos cambiaron a Dios para una mentira.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Still Learning to Speak in Tongues: And I Need Help!

I stopped translating from the New Birth Evangelism Tract for a while, and started something a little more difficult. I have been learning the Spanish tongue in particular, and while I am still always interested in learning new words from any and every tongue I come into contact with, Spanish is my main focus. It has really been an extraordinary help to learn it by reading from the Spanish Bible everyday. However, it is a foreign language to me, and I am still very unfamiliar with all that is important.

My new endeavor has been to translate an evangelistic tract I wrote from English to Spanish. This is my more difficult project, and I am in much need of help from those who are native Spanish speakers. I will post my first paragraph here, and look for whatever help may be provided. Much of the work I have done so far has been by using a Spanish to Engligh dictionary, online free translation websites and whatever else I have learned from study and practice. I expect there to be errors in wording, sentences making sense, choice of words, etc. That is why help will be necessary if I am to complete this project before the end of March. Gracias.

Here it is first in English, then in my Spanish translation:

Bible Answers Our Need to Know God

First, we can consider that the Bible is like no other book in history. Consumed with putting God in the spotlight, filled with words directly given by Him to prophets, intricately woven literature written by over 40 men during a period of 1500 years and all containing one unified message and theme from the first book to the last, the Bible is unique without a doubt. No other book contains so much history of sin and evil, bloodshed and suffering, the good laws of God and mankind's rejection of Him, as well as the love of God shown in the most amazing way. Not only does it contain numerous details concerning the nation of Israel, but it also contains the promises and purposes of God for every nation and group of people on the earth. The Bible is a book about God. It shows His miraculous glory in creation, and also in redemption when He will create all things new. It shows His goodness and holiness contrasted with sin and evil. It shows His mercy and grace, as well as His righteousness in judgment. The Bible is not like any other religious book, and no other religious book has been so loved and hated, so well read and burned, so prized and ignored by so many people of all ages, languages, races and classes.

The Bible contains amazing detailed information about many aspects of our world and life, but they all point in one direction – the only God, as He is revealed in a tri-unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It testifies that God created everything for His own pleasure. He made man in His own image, to reflect His own character and nature. But the first man and woman turned away from God. There has since been a struggle to be brought back to knowing Him again. The Bible uses the word “reconciliation” to describe this. Just as marriage, children, friends and enemies are the greatest human relationships we know, even so, God's relationship to His own people is described in those terms. God is the Father, and His people, like a separated spouse or a lost child, need to be reconciled back to Him so that they will no longer be enemies, but friends and at peace with one another.

La Biblia Contesta Nuestra Necesidad de Conocer a Dios

Primero, consideramos que la Biblia es como ningún otro libro en historia. Consumida a puso Dios en el foco, llenó de palabras dadas directamente por Él a profetas, literatura tejida con complejidad por más de 40 hombres, durante un período de 1500 años, y todos conteniendo uno mensaje unificado y tema, del primero libro al último. La Biblia está unico sin duda. Ningún otro libro contiene tan mucho historia de pecado y maldad, de matanza y sufrimiento, las buenas leyes de Dios, y el rechazo de Él por humanidad, así como el amor de Dios mostrado en el más asombrosa manera. No sólo contiene numeroso detalles acerca del nación de Israel, pero también contiene las promesas y los propósitos de Dios para todos el naciónes y grupos de personas [gente, o pueblos? No sé cual palabra usar.] en la tierra. La Biblia es un libro acerca de Dios. Muestra Su gloria milagroso en creación, y también en redención cuando Él hará todas cosas nueva. Muestra Su bondad y santidad en contraste con pecado y maldad. Muestra Su misericordia y gracia, así como Su justicia en juzgar. La Biblia no es como ningún otro libro religioso, y no otro libro religioso ha sido tan amado y odiado, tan bien leído y quemado, tan tesorído y ignorado por tan mucha gente de todas edades, lenguas, razas y clases acerca del mundo.

La Biblia contiene muchas detalles asombrados de información acerca de muchos aspectos de nuestro mundo y vida, pero ellos todos punto en uno dirección - el único Dios, como está revelado en una Trinidad de Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Testifica que Dios creó todas cosas para Su propio gusto. Él hacía hombre en Su propio imagen, reflejar Su propio carácter y naturaleza. Pero el primer hombre y la mujer fueron separados de Dios. Desde entonces ha sido con dificultad estar volver de conocerlo de nuevo. La Biblia usa la palabra "reconciliación" describir esto. Tan como matrimonio, hijos, amistad y enemistad son las más grandes relaciónes humano, así también el relación de Dios a Su propio gente es descrito en estas palabras. Dios es el Padre, y Su gente, como un esposa apartada o un hijo perdido, necesitan estar reconciliado a Él, para que ellos ya no son enemigos, sino amigos y junto en paz.